Randi Mohr

Randi Mohr

Vice President of Client Success and Marketing for digital agency Whereoware, Randi Mohr ensures clients’ digital services achieve intended business objectives. Mohr also oversees Whereoware’s brand messaging and marketing efforts to accelerate sales growth.

5 Secrets to Keeping Customers Loyal Amidst Economic Uncertainty

Whether it’s the loss of third-party tracking or a new Google algorithm update, marketers always have a new challenge to face. Today, that challenge is inflation. An overwhelming majority (85 percent) of consumers say inflation has caused them to change their shopping habits, with 79 percent seeking out discounts and 77 percent reducing their shopping.…

The Next-Gen Tech Driving Today’s Digital Customer Experience

In a world of struggling supply chains and pandemic fatigue, providing an unparalleled digital customer experience (CX) is more important than ever. Improving CX became a top five initiative for 54 percent of marketing organizations during the pandemic, particularly in the retail sector, with CX budgets increasing by 10 percent on average since the early…