Hank Lin

Hank Lin

Hank Lin has been a Sales Director at Majorel China for four years and is a graduate of Tamkang University. He has 20 years of experience covering business strategy and development, process management, and key account management. The past 10 years, he’s been focusing on China’s market in retail, home appliance, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), and banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI).

Bringing E-Commerce Up to Speed: What the US Can Learn From China’s Successes

With the global e-commerce market value expected to top $1.39 trillion in 2023 and $1.64 trillion by 2027, it’s no wonder a worldwide battle for a piece of the pie is underway. Although the United States is generally regarded as the creator of e-commerce as we now know it, its status as an originator hasn't…