Piyush Patel

Piyush Patel

Piyush Patel is chief strategic business development officer at Algolia. Patel has been building high-performance teams in the area of platforms focused on digital experience and has helped to shape and build teams at many well-recognized brands in the space holding positions in digital strategy, services delivery, channels/alliances and product strategy.

The Ripple Effect of Cultural Events on Consumer Behavior

In the ever-evolving world of consumer behavior, economic challenges and cultural moments profoundly impact purchasing trends. These trends provide valuable insights into how consumers respond to various factors, shaping the strategies of companies seeking to meet their evolving needs. Three significant trends, namely, the digital transformation of back-to-school shopping, the evolution of Amazon.com's Prime Day,…

3 Tactics for Growing Revenue Using Data-Driven Search and Discovery

Amid economic turbulence, many retailers are revamping their marketing strategies to try and bring in more customers. However, increasing advertising spend is not the end-all-be-all solution to boosting their bottom lines. Instead, they can increase their revenue by more effectively capitalizing on the customer interactions they already have on their e-commerce platforms and outperforming competitors.…

How to Create a Genuine Workplace Culture

Turnover is an ever-lingering threat to the retail industry. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Job Openings and Labor Turnover program, the turnover rate in 2017 is already on a pace for a 10 percent increase over the average annual rate of the past decade. Despite the troubling trend, it’s possible to…